On Sunday April 22nd 2012 my four sculptures, the Seasons Watchers, at the Provincialeweg in Geersdijk (Zeeland Province, Netherlands) have been unveiled by the Governor of the Province of Zeeland, Mrs. K.M.H. Peijs.
Each sculpture represents one of the four seasons: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. The group symbolises the perpetual
rotation of the seasons. The sculptures are placed opposite each other on both sides of the characteristic dyke. In this way they symbolise the link between tradition and the present. The sculptures are made from steel plate and have bright colours which brighten the landscape in winter and emphasise the green in summer.
The customers are Mrs. Anthonia van Rappard of Hofstede Gallery Lijn 3 and Mr. Rob Bakker of the Rijckholt Estate, located on opposing sides of the dyke. Before, on these estates there were fruit growers located; presently these areas have got a new modern destination: art and care.
Article unveiling in Zeelandpers
Article unveiling in De Bevelander